Every time I design a wedding album, I think about what it will mean to this couple and their family. Not just when they gasp the first time they open it, but years down the road. I picture an elderly couple surrounded by a mess of grandchildren hovering around a dusty leather book. I imagine tiny hands reaching to feel the soft worn leather. I envision eye-popping images as vibrant and true as the day they were pressed into the archival paper. I imagine a story being told, and comments being tossed around the room. "Look how handsome Grandpa was"... "Wow can you believe the dresses back in those days?" I imagine laughter, and tears and love.
What I can't imagine, is that same family having the same experience hovered around a computer monitor. Trying to feel the same way, without actually holding the moments in their hands. Technology has brought us many wonderful things... especially to us photographers. But, don't let your memories live a digital life. Print them, share them, get an album... Or at least something you can hold, smell, touch... a surface for tears of joy to fall upon.
We are losing touch with the tangible things that can come from photography, and this saddens me. Your wedding photos will never look their absolute best, until you see them printed on high quality photographic paper, mounted on sturdy pages, and tightly bound with thick genuine leather. There are many options. Here are a few.
Feb 2, 2015, 8:30:28 PM
Christina Avoletta - Can you please let me know if you are available on 11/14/15 for a wedding at pompano beach marriott. If so, please email me your package and pricing. Ry