Wedding Photography is the best job in the world... Especially when the people and events I get to document are this much fun! Andrea and Jesse's Bonnet House Wedding was oozing personality from start to finish... Especially the finish! You'll see what I mean when you scroll down to the reception photos. The setting for this shindig was a unique rustic wedding venue in the heart of Ft Lauderdale... It's like a playground for photographers -- on par with many of the destination weddings I get to photograph. All that aside, When I met Andrea and Jesse, we spoke about how they simply wanted their wedding day to be fun, and uniquely theirs. Every aspect of the day was designed to be a true representation of themselves, the way a wedding should be. Even their ceremony had moments of hilarity that you'd expect from a stand-up comedy routine. But between all of this, there were also some amazing moments where we got to see how much they mean to one another, and what this day meant to them both. I can't say enough about their infectious fun-loving spirit, and I can't thank them enough for having me their the capture it!
Dec 12, 2014, 10:22:42 AM
Carolina - Amazing! I love the table number cards with their photos, super original :)