Documentary family portraits in Adelaide are fast becoming one of our favourite things to photograph (along with weddings of course). Especially when we encounter such lovely and genuine people like the Barbers. Their home is just steps away from the area I grew up exploring. It's also one of my favourite places to take pictures. There is so much worth remembering about everyday life surrounded by loved ones... Whether your sitting around your home, building forts on a rainy day, or out on a family adventure. There are beautiful moments happening all the time. I wish we could bottle those moments, and uncorked them every so often to feel the same way. While this might not be entirely possible... we can photograph those moments and give you something real to remember them by. The Barbers will have these images to show their adorable girls years from now when they've forgotten all about this day.
Aug 12, 2015, 1:37:13 AM